Quality standards

At Mission Without Borders we aim to work to the highest possible standards with integrity and transparency. We believe in a Christ-like approach in the way that we treat people as we work in Eastern Europe and the countries where we fundraising.  Every individual that we work with, staff, volunteers, beneficiaries and donors are precious, made in the image of God and we value and respect that.  We agree to relevant external quality standards and abide by the local laws in place to protect individuals. Where we fall short we have clear processes for staff and volunteers to raise concerns and for those concerns to be addressed.

Our Quality Standards are embedded within our core values. We aim to learn and live in the way that Jesus Christ did, in who we are, what we say and do and the way we do it.

Those we serve

We seek to help the most vulnerable without regard for race, religion, ethnicity, ability, age, gender, sexuality, or nationality. We target our work on the basis of need, and work closely with the local church and communities to identify families and children to support. Whilst we work through established partnerships we also recognize the other ways that God has brought families and children to our attention, so that we can support and help them.


We aim to empower those we work with to understand and manage their own role in determining their circumstances.  Rather than reinforce the sense of dependency that many of our beneficiaries have grown up with we affirm their God given gifts and help them to work towards self-sufficiency.

Where we work with local churches we encourage the same sense of independence.

Technical Quality

We are committed to the high technical quality of all of our work, and the work of partners, through meeting relevant national and international standards aligned with communities’ own priorities. We will continuously learn to improve and identify good practice that is demonstrated to have good impact to replicate elsewhere.


We are committed to restoring relationships and building safe and secure communities. We seek to prioritise the protection of all - especially the most marginalised and vulnerable adults and children - from physical, social and psychological harm. Our child and vulnerable protection policy applies to all the countries where we work and we monitor and review the implementation of that policy to ensure all those we work with are protected.


We are committed to ensuring all our work is based upon effective communication with, participation of and feedback from the people we serve whether they are donating to our work or partners in our work in Eastern Europe.  Our financial policies and procedures are reviewed regularly by our national boards and each of our countries is audited on an annual basis.

Valuing support

We value those who choose to support us financially, in prayer and with their time. We do not sell or pass on the valuable information that donors give us about themselves.  We abide by data protection legislation (GDPR) and give our donors the choice in terms of how they would like to be contacted by us, whilst meeting our legal obligations regarding your giving.

We are members of the Fundraising Regulators aiming for the highest possible standards in all our fundraising and marketing activities.