Stanyslav outside his home

Why child sponsorship

When you sponsor a child through Mission Without Borders, you transform a young person’s life, both now and for the future.

Many children in Eastern Europe grow up in families where unemployment, despair and alcoholism are a part of everyday life – and too many of them lack the support they need.   

For some children, their homes are places of stress, neglect or hunger, while at school they feel lost, unequal to their classmates.

By the time they reach adulthood, too many have missed out on school, lost confidence and hope, and are living in the same poverty they grew up in. At Mission Without Borders, we want to break that cycle – and you can help.

Your regular support will help a child receive all the support they need to grow into a confident young person, one who has the skills and resources to develop healthy relationships and access quality employment. We address not only the child’s practical needs, but their emotional and spiritual development, too.

Discover how child sponsorship transformed a young girl’s life in Moldova.

We believe that every child needs a safe space, where they can play, learn and grow in freedom; a space where they are known, protected and loved. 

At Mission Without Borders, we provide that safe space through a range of programmes including after school clubs, church activities, summer camps, and Bible courses – and most importantly, through strong relationships with our staff and volunteers. Our educational support and scholarship programme further equips young people with the qualifications they need. 

We want every child to have the chance of a brighter future – and the solution starts today. Our child sponsorship programme brings together sponsors like you, who care about children and want to make a lasting difference, and children growing up in desperate poverty, who really need our help.

Sponsor a child today – and help us bring transformation to Eastern Europe, one child at a time.

Frequently asked questions

In terms of practical support, the children receive food and clothing, school supplies, hygiene items, Bibles and Christian literature. Mission Without Borders also organises various activities throughout the year such as our Bible Correspondence Course, children's meetings, excursions and summer camps. In some communities, children have access to an after school club where they receive educational support.

Our goal is for children to feel valued and loved. This happens through the support of our staff and volunteers along with good frameworks for learning and playing in safe surroundings. Through guidance and educational support, hot meals, and fun activities, we convey Jesus's love to them. Many children come to know Jesus through our church events and fun Bible Correspondence Course. The annual summer camps we organise have also changed many children’s lives.

Writing to y our child is a great way to build the relationship and show them that someone miles away supports them and cares for them. Letters from sponsors are often treasured possessions that children hold on to for many years.  

Small gifts such as stickers and cards that fit into a letter envelope can also be mailed.
Sending other gifts can create issues in certain countries as often duties will be levied on gifts and the risks of mail theft is greater.

Please avoid sharing personal contact information in your letters as sometimes this information can be found by others who may attempt to use it for their own gain.

If you have any questions regarding your sponsorship, you can call us any time at 0800 469 269 and we'll be happy to help.

Letters to your sponsored child can be addressed and mailed to our office in Auckland. We bundle sponsor letters together to save shipping costs.

Mail your letters to:
Mission Without Borders
PO Box 76141
Manukau City
Auckland 2241

There is no lock-in period for sponsorship, and you can cancel your support any time you want. If you choose to end your sponsorship, we will ensure that the child will get a new sponsor as quickly as possible, and that they will continue to be supported through our work. 

Sponsored children and families love it when their sponsors visit their communities.

We do have a process everyone must follow to arrange a visit to ensure the safety of all involved, especially the sponsored children.
This process can take a number of weeks, so if you'd like to arrange a visit, please reach out to us as soon as possible prior to making travel plans.

When visiting your sponsored child, Mission Without Borders staff in the community will arrange for you to meet the child and their family, act as translators, and help explain how the family is working with Mission Without Borders.

To find out more about how you can visit your sponsored child, call us at 0800 469 269.

The length of time a child is sponsored depends on a number of factors including the child's age and their parent's or guardian's permission.

In most cases, once a child turns 18, they graduate from our child sponsorship program. They may still receive support from Mission Without Borders in terms of educational scholarships or other support programs depending on their individual situation.

Sometimes a family will move from the community quickly without letting Mission Without Borders know and we will have to remove the child from the program.

Many of our supporters choose to sponsor multiple children.